Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome to the neighborhood

Hi. I'm Jay. Well, that's not my real name but my real name doesn't matter. This isn't exactly a blog about my life, so if that's what you were looking for when you stumbled onto this little piece of web-mastery, you're sadly mistaken, and should return now to the life you don't have... hmm.. Let me know how that works out. Let me now break my own rules by saying, I LOVE movies! What I don't love is fifty year old "professional" critics who seem to think that they can see a once, and speak for everyone who hasn't seen it. Can you believe that?? Well do so now! Believe it! I'm a teenage guy, I doubt that I'll share the same likes and dislikes as a 64 year old woman named Helga Obbenschmidt who gets paid to watch movies and trash talk them after! So, out of duty to my country and obligation to it's fair people, I have created this website, and have dedicated it to giving movie reviews, from the point of a teenager who loves action packed adventures, suspenseful horrors, crazy sci-fi's and all-around GOOD FILMS!!! So suck on THAT, Hollywood!

p.s. sorry Mrs. Obbenschmidt. I'm going to assume that you're not real because I made up the name as an example, but honestly, I'd rather NOT be sued..

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